Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Settle Down": The Sequel

Settle Down 2 - Burning Revenge - Starring Charles Lee Ray, Tiffany Ray, Glen Ray- With Kimbra Johnson, Angela Vickers, Hermann Mannequin, Nebraska Jones

"SETTLE DOWN 2 - Burning Revenge" 
(They're back, and they're still hot)

STARRING Charles Lee Ray, Tiffany Ray, Glen Ray (Child's Play)
WITH Kimbra Johnson, Angela Vickers, Hermann Mannequin, Nebraska Jones

Friday, April 12, 2013

I Look To You (Live)

I Look To You - Miami Horror song performed by Kimbra

Kimbra performing Miami Horror song "I look to you" at Astor Theatre (Perth, Western Australia)
on 17 September 2011.
Check out the video on "keepit" YouTube channel from minute 3 on.

Musically speaking, it seems that Kimbra's comfort zone consists of staying out of her comfort zone, if that makes any sense. It would have been too easy to rely heavily on the chorus as the original song features a prominent one. Yet the chorus appears only once (repeated twice) in that five-minute performance !