Saturday, January 25, 2014

Meanwhile, in parallel universes...

Today in Universe no. 1012X2894Y8121Z:
THE BEN & KIMBRA SHOW (season 4) on ABC1

Kimbra in parallel universe 1012X2894Y8121Z

Today in Universe no. 2489X0451Y8974Z:
SOUTHERN CROSS TRIO release single 'Bingo of Love'

Kimbra in parallel universe 2489X0451Y8974Z

Today in Universe no. 8905X7234Y9452Z:
STEVIE & THE KIMBRETTES start their 'Holy Snare Tour'

Kimbra in parallel universe 8905X7234Y9452Z

- In Universe no. 2489X0451Y8974Z Fagan is left-handed.
- In Universe no. 8905X7234Y9452Z cloning humans is commonplace since the 90's.

Monday, January 13, 2014

D.I.Y. Kimbra paper clips

Kimbra paper clips

This is a Do It Yourself line of paper clips inspired by Kimbra's "Withdraw". 
You won't be able to withdraw these cute and useful heart-shaped paper clips from your notes!

heart shaped Kimbra paper clips

All you need is a standard paper clip (if you are reading this before the 1890s, be patient, and wait for the introduction of the Gem paper clip), and any basic manicure, dental, or hair removal tool kit.

Kimbra paper clip DIY tool kit

Just bend the paper clip as shown, and voilĂ !

making of a Kimbra paper clip

Enjoy discovering all the possibilities of use that Kimbra paper clips can offer...  

Kimbra paper clip multi use

Friday, January 3, 2014

The weirdest gig

"The weirdest gig experience I’ve ever had:
We played the ChillOut Festival, which is a gay and lesbian festival held out in Daylesford [Australia]. It was quite an interesting gig because there were drag queens on before and after us, and people sort of knew who we were but not really. But it was pouring with rain so everyone had to stand metres back and watch us, so if you were walking past our gig it looked like absolutely no one was there. But they were all just back in under cover. It was just one of those really awkward performances."
(Taste Test: Kimbra,, April 26, 2012)

Kimbra weirdest gig

See some footage of Kimbra's Daylesford gig (March 13, 2011) here and here. An energetic rendition of "Call Me"!


And now, the "worst gig"...

"Can you remember the worst gig you’ve ever done?
It was part of the tour I did in Australia where we were supporting a band [and] we played in Wollongong. There was no one there, not a soul. Only the other support band were there, and we didn’t gel with them all that well. They were sitting there with this really patronising look on their face, and were doing the old ‘slow clap’. It was just such a gutting feeling playing to a totally empty room - a bit hard on the ego."

Probably, the Little Red's gig that took place at The Uni Bar of Wollongong on October 6, 2010, as part of their 'Midnight Remember' Album Tour. The other support band was Sparkadia.
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