Friday, March 25, 2016

First hundred posts

Celebrating the first HUNDRED posts on this blog with a new video and a peek at how some of these posts came to life (first steps, ruled out ideas, sketches, drafts...).

See the Youtube video description for more details.
By the way, you can watch the first-FIFTY-posts video here (YT) or here (Vimeo).

And now, as promised, some blog backstage stuff...
(Click on the image captions to get to the original posts.)

Bubbly says


Mr. Dislike got reactions

 Crowding up "Settle Down"

Vows: Mars Edition

"Good Intent" (Live in Rio)

Echo and Narcissus

Posthumous fan art


Kimbra in her element

"Good Intent" pūkana

Merch fiction

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Echo and Narcissus

Halfway through recording I had this very strong dream,” says Kimbra.
It was about these words: the golden echo. So I researched them and
 it took me to this flower called Narcissus Golden Echo.”
The discovery of the flower plunged her into the Greek myth of Narcissus,
the boy who died after becoming transfixed by his own reflection.
It also delivered her a poem with a similar message – “how to keep
 beauty from vanishing away? To give beauty back” – that took root.

Echo and Narcissus

Last conversation between Echo and Narcissus, as recorded by P. Ovideos:

   Echo - We eat our past while we wait to be eaten by our future, future, future...
   Narcissus - Should we wait an hour after eating until swimming?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Finally, an instagram-friendly version of Kimbra's Sing Sing Studios live sessions.


No time left to listen to your songs
Let's speed them up or get them chopped
to fit them on our fifteen-second flying trays
(Could you just make your tunes 15 seconds long?)


No time left to read your lyrics
Let's shorten them to 140 characters
so that they can stay in our wee shelves
(Please keep it all small to make room for our hashtags)


Exclusive: The lyrics of the songs performed by Kimbra at the Sing Sing Studios in a tweet:

ThersCmfortInDaFingrsOfUrGOODINTENT/WannaSETTLEDOWNetc/<3isA2WSt/PLAINGOLD'O'onHisFingrHeWore/UrMyCAMEO<3rOnlyHere4AMomntOr2 #SSKimbralyrics

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Waltz me to the pyramid

(WARNING: Archaeo-music fiction post!)

Kimb-Ra meets The Thebes Pro Mourners

According to some archaeologists, this is the first known live performance of the song "Waltz Me To The Grave". Kimb-Ra met The Thebes Pro Mourners to sing an a capella rendition of the song at a funeral cortege around 1300 BC. As depicted in the image above, she was preceded by Rodgers of the Nile -who had played the guitar part on the original studio version-. The lyrics of the song were slightly different in those days:

Waltz Me To The Pyramid lyrics

The Ay-oh-whey-oh's scattered throughout the verses were clearly a nod to The Bangles' "Walk Like An Egyptian".

Until recently, it was believed that "Waltz Me To The Grave" was performed live for the first time by Kimbra at The Observatory North Park (San Diego, California) on April 2015.

Kimbra at The Observatory North Park