Monday, August 5, 2013

Now you see it, maybe soon you won't

This post is about keeping alive Kimbra live videos.
YouTube has plenty of amateur footage that preserves the magic of live musical moments that otherwise would survive only in the memories of those who were there. But having these videos just one click away, everywhere, 24 hours a day, should not make us forget how precarious these virtual memories can be. YouTube channels come and go, for whatever reasons, and so does the recorded footage.

This video is unavailable.
Typical obituary for a departed Kimbra live video.

Unavailable-video faces.
Typical YouTube user's reaction when reading an obituary for a departed Kimbra live video.

I've tried to resurrect here two cherished Kimbra live videos which recently "passed away". I hope the owners (no way to contact them) don't mind that I uploaded these videos to my channel for keeping them available.

Kimbra performing "Good Intent" live at a promo event for The Sims 3 Pets at Studios 301 (Sydney) on September 2011. One of the verses of the song is sung in Simlish.
(Originally uploaded by YouTube user "financialpanda")

Kimbra and her band debuted a live version of "With My Hands" at Rhythm & Vines (Gisborne, NZ) in late December 2012. This is a rough recording of the performance at Summafieldayze (Gold Coast, Australia) one week later. The original footage  by YouTube user "mrjoshhunter" that went unavailable has been completed here with excerpts of this video by "Ivan Sam", showing closer views (included with his permission).

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