Friday, March 25, 2016

First hundred posts

Celebrating the first HUNDRED posts on this blog with a new video and a peek at how some of these posts came to life (first steps, ruled out ideas, sketches, drafts...).

See the Youtube video description for more details.
By the way, you can watch the first-FIFTY-posts video here (YT) or here (Vimeo).

And now, as promised, some blog backstage stuff...
(Click on the image captions to get to the original posts.)

Bubbly says


Mr. Dislike got reactions

 Crowding up "Settle Down"

Vows: Mars Edition

"Good Intent" (Live in Rio)

Echo and Narcissus

Posthumous fan art


Kimbra in her element

"Good Intent" pūkana

Merch fiction

1 comment:

  1. Kimbros need Arghpeggio back! Please come back!
